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Anglophone Culture : British TV Comedy

Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 24h


This course will introduce students to a wide range of British television comedy programmes. Each week will involve students watching an episode of a particular series; a short lecture contextualising the series in the tradition of British comedy and the wider social context; reading short texts; group discussion.

Contrôles des connaissances

There are three evaluations for this course:
1) Oral presentation in groups: a 15-minute presentation analysing any British comedy (television or film) of the students’ own choice. [contrôle continu, 25% of overall mark]
2) Written homework: a 1,000 word essay on British TV comedy, using examples discussed on the course. [contrôle continu, DM, 25% of overall mark]
3) Exam: a 2-hour exam, with questions on a provided text, followed by questions on the course as a whole. [examen terminal, 50% of overall mark]

Informations complémentaires

Un regard positif sur le développement de la Culture Britannique.
Pour l'anglais, révisions ponctuelles de certains points de grammaire en fonction des difficultés repérées lors des exposés.
Un fascicule sera distribué si possible ou bien mis en ligne sur e-campus.