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Cultural and Media Studies in the UK

Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 24h

Langue(s) d'enseignement

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This course introduces students to key aspects of British culture and media through the prism of British cultural and media studies. The course will introduce students to various methods of textual and audience analysis, to research into identity and representation, and to the academic critique of broadcasting and the press.


Curran, J and Jean Seaton (2003) Power Without Responsibility: The Press,    Broadcasting, and New Media in Britain, 6th Revised Edition, London: Routledge

Stokes, Jane (2003) How to do media and cultural studies, London: SAGE

Turner, Graeme (2003) British cultural studies, 3rd ed., London: Routledge

Contrôles des connaissances

There are three evaluations for this course:
1) Oral presentation in groups: a 15-minute presentation analysing any aspect of British culture or media of the students’ own choice, using textual and/or audience research methods. [contrôle continu, 25% of overall mark]
2) Written homework: a 1,000 word essay on a particular aspect of identity and representation based on a dossier of texts (provided by the tutor). [contrôle continu, DM, 25% of overall mark]
3) Exam: a 2-hour exam, with questions on a provided text, followed by questions on the course as a whole. [examen terminal, 50% of overall mark]