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Discipline(s) : Economie, Anglais

De l'origine du capitalisme à la mondialisation

Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 24h

Langue(s) d'enseignement

Libellé inconnu



Trade and traders, money and money-lenders, capitalism and capitalists have all been subject to criticism for centuries in Western thought and literature. Britain, the motherland of the industrial revolution, gave birth to much of the modern criticism of capitalism. This class will examine some of the themes that run through this criticism, centered in British thought but extending elsewhere, and explore its impact on contemporary thought and action.


Trade and traders, money and money-lenders, capitalism and capitalists have all been subject to criticism for centuries in Western thought and literature. Britain, the motherland of the industrial revolution, gave birth to much of the modern criticism of capitalism. This class will examine some of the themes that run through this criticism, centered in British thought but extending elsewhere, and explore its impact on contemporary thought and action.

The reading will consist entirely of primary sources, starting with Plato and Aristotle and including such figures as Adam Smith, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, William Morris and John Ruskin, as well as contemporary examples of the use of standard figures anti-commercial and anti-capitalist rhetoric. The reading is about 80% in English and 20% in French.


Brochures de sources primaires.

Contrôles des connaissances

Quizs, devoirs, essais.