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Discipline(s) : Anglais

Ideas and Society in Modern and Contemporary Britain I

Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 18h

Langue(s) d'enseignement

Libellé inconnu


Alan Kahan


This seminar will explore how British writers and thinks responded to the challenges posed by the rise of democracy and the industrial revolution. British thought of all kinds laid special emphasis on ideas and ideals of human character, and its political thought was no exception. In this light the course will examine a broad spectrum of figures, such as Thomas and Matthew Arnold, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Harriet Martineau, James and John Stuart Mill, William Morris, Herbert Spencer, and Anthony Trollope.

Ce seminaire va explorer comment les anglais ont pensé la démocratie et la révolution industrielle. Les anglais mettaient l’emphase sur la caractère et son développement dans les conditions modernes. Pour aborder la pensée anglaise, nous lirons des œuvres par, entre autres, Thomas and Matthew Arnold, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Harriet Martineau, James and John Stuart Mill, William Morris, Herbert Spencer, and Anthony Trollope.

Contrôles des connaissances

Quizz, compte-rendu, et/ou essais.