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Students with disabilities: accompaniment process

You would like to benefit from academic accommodations during your studies and examinations?

You will have to send an email to sse@uvsq.fr to set an obligatory appointment with the university doctor.
Sending supporting documents is mandatory to guarantee an appointment.
Please include in your e-mail your student number, first and last name, major, year of study and telephone number.

Supporting documents to be sent only to sse@uvsq.fr when requesting an appointment:

A recent report from your doctor or specialist, as well as a detailed certificate stating: the diagnosis of your disorder, deficiency or illness, its evolution, any treatment, the consequences and incapacities linked to your situation, the precise request for academic accommodation as well as the previous year's accommodations (if you had any).
In case of learning disabilities, a less than 5 year old report is required.
Kindly note that these documents should be written in French or English language.

Please note the deadline for sending your request for an appointment:

November 8th 2024 for the 1st semester.
March 7th 2025 for the 2nd semester.

These deadlines can also be found on your university calendar.

After these dates, academic accommodations will be taken into consideration during the following semester.

These steps must be completed at the same time as your administrative and academic registration at UVSQ.

In addition, you should send any non-medical documents to saeph@uvsq.fr, so that the support team can anticipate any academic accommodations to your studies that may be required depending on your needs.

These may include previous university accommodations, personalized schooling project, etc.

If you wish to contact the disability support office before the start of the academic year or if you need more information about the support process (at any time of the year), you can send an email to saeph@uvsq.fr

Support and follow-up:

  • The medical department forwards the request for study and examination accommodations (medical opinion) to the disability services office.
  • The disability services office edits the official document stating the academic accommodations that should be validated by the head of the department of study.
  • The person in charge of your accompaniment will then take charge of implementing the requested accommodations and assisting you with the necessary steps. Depending on your accommodations, you will be asked to sign the procedure for reserving any resources (laptop or other tools).
  • If necessary, you will be referred to your educational advisor (depending on the courses you are enrolled in). He or she is your key contact for all your pedagogical questions. He or she is also the link between you and the entire teaching team.