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2,500 International students from over 50 countries come to study in our university.
If you hold a higher education degree and wish to further your studies or if you graduated from secondary school and want to study with us, this section will guide you through your application to University Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).

Our Master's degrees

As a member of Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ provides a Master's level education program linked to research of high international level. Before applying to a Master, don't forget to look at the terms and prerequisites needed.

Exchange programs

UVSQ have developed a partnership network with many universities over the World with more than 200 bilateral agreements and 80 cooperation agreements.
If your university is one of our partners, these international cooperation agreements allow you to spend a period of study in UVSQ and guarantee the recognition of your qualification.
  • You must complete an internship as part of your training: Find all the practical information: organization, administration, your rights...
  • You want to complete a Doctorate (PhD): The Doctorate allows a candidate to dedicate her or himself almost exclusively to a specialized research topic for 3 years. This is a unique, exciting and rewarding experience.