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Research excellence

UVSQ is a founding member of the world-class academic research cluster Université de Paris-Saclay which, with its 18 professional research organizations (CNRS, CEA, Polytechnique, etc.), represents 10 percent of French public research.

UVSQ’s standing as a research university is assured by its centers of scientific excellence, and it is locally and internationally recognized as a source of expertise and resources. Heritage, materials, climate, the environment, space science, public health, epidemiology, and disability are all fields in which UVSQ has become a major player, both within research networks and beyond.

Doctoral schools
UVSQ’s research laboratories are grouped into doctoral schools for the teaching and research supervision of PhD students.

UVSQ has strong links with the Justice department and university hospitals, prestigious French research organizations such as CNRS, CEA, INSERM and Institut Pasteur, and with other French universities through its Joint Research Units (UMR).

Eight research focus areas

  • Climate, environment and sustainable development
  • Culture and heritage
  • Inflammation, infection, cancer and environment
  • Public health: epidemiology, aging and cohort studies
  • Disability
  • Institutions, organizations and public policy
  • Innovative materials: from concepts to applications
  • Modeling and simulation of complex systems