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Healthcare/social services
European Union students
If you have national health insurance in your home country, you do not need to join the student health insurance scheme. In this case, you must have your European health insurance card issued by the health fund in your home country. Your card must be valid for the entire academic year. You must contact the international relations department (service des relations internationales) of the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM) in your place of residence, and provide your European health insurance card, details of a bank account in France (RIB) and your student ID card. If you are unable to produce your European health insurance card, you must join the French student health insurance scheme.
Non European Union students
- Students on an exchange programme under the age of 28
If you are a student from Quebec coming to Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University on an exchange programme, you must obtain form SE401Q106 before arriving in France.
For other non-EU countries, you must join the French student health insurance scheme (€207 in 2012/2013).
- Students under 28 outside an exchange programme
You must join the French student health insurance scheme, but to do so you must meet two conditions: be under the age of 28 on 1 October of the academic year in question, and be enrolled in a higher education institution approved by the French social security agency.
Your must join the French student health insurance scheme at the same time as you enroll in your academic institution.
A lump-sum annual fee of €207 (rate for 2012/2013) is payable to one of the two student mutual insurance funds that manage the student health insurance system.
La mutuelle des étudiants
Académie de Versailles
41 boulevard Vauban
78280 Guyancourt
Société mutualiste des étudiants de région parisienne Centre 617
16 boulevard du général leclerc
92115 clichy cedex
+33 1 56 54 36 34
- Students over 28
If you do not have health insurance on any other basis (as an employee for example) and if you are living in France on a long-term basis, you are eligible for basic Universal Health Coverage (CMU). To get coverage, ask for an application form at your local CPAM (primary health insurance fund).
Private top-up health insurance
This is strongly recommended.
French social security provides basic health insurance; it only entitles you to reimbursement of part of your medical expenses (doctor, dentist, medication, hospitalization, etc.). We therefore advise you to take out top-up insurance to supplement the reimbursements from your basic health insurance cover.
If you have student health insurance, you can get very good discount rates from the organization you belong to – LMDE or SMEREP. You can expect to pay an annual premium of between €16 to €552 depending on the cover.
- Supplementary universal health coverage (supplementary CMU)
Depending on your income (less than €587.16 for a single person or less than €880.75 for a couple), you may be entitled to supplementary CMU. It is free of charge and gives you access to treatment without having to advance the costs. If you live in France on a regular and stable basis, ask for an application form from the CPAM (Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie) in your place of residence.
Sumpps: University preventive healthcare center
When you come to study at UVSQ, you need to bring your health records or your vaccination records listing the vaccinations you had as a child, particularly BCG (tuberculosis) and the DTP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus and polio).
At some stage during the academic year, you will be given an appointment at the healthcare centre for a vaccination check. Being vaccinated protects you and considerably reduces the incidence of disease, so you can study in the best possible conditions.
Mission of the student life office
- Welcoming students (particularly newcomers and foreign students – resident’s permit, welcome kit)
- Information (T’DACtu, documentation)
- Accommodation: guide, forum, help
- Culture: events, festivals, workshops, cultural outings
- Associations: subsidies, forum, events, training
- Sport through SCAPS: courses, lunch breaks